Why learn online?

For centuries, the traditional classroom stayed largely the same. Then the internet changed the world of education. So what are the benefits of online learning?

A learning revolution

Recent studies for the Institute of Education Sciences state that students learn as well or better online as in a traditional school setting. It allows them to receive instruction at their own pace, and in ways tailored to their personal learning styles and interests.

This flexible learning allows for more accurate feedback on student progress, enabling parents to monitor their child’s development more closely and to help students take greater responsibility for their own development. Also, students and their families can use freed-up time to enjoy other activities. 

The flexibility of online learning can particularly benefit students who have specific challenges in their education, such as those who must change schools frequently or those who have fallen behind in their studies. The same flexibility allows teachers more freedom to instruct students in more productive ways.

In turn, this unlocks the potential to expand the talent pool of teaching staff and improve teaching quality overall. Looking ahead, the growth in online learning is likely to provide instructors and educators greater incentives to innovate and develop new tools to improve students’ learning.

If we were to sum up all the benefits of online learning? Simple.

Online learning offers high quality education to anyone, anywhere.

LifePlus celebrates online learning, in-classroom learning and a blend of the two, recognizing that children and their families need options to suit their circumstances. LifePlus Online Academy brings the benefits of online learning to students who are already studying in-school, at home, and with other online providers.

Illustration depicting the concept of synchronous learning

By supplementing their existing learning with the LifePlus Online Academy, students can take ownership of their learning experience. They can combine live experiences with learning at their own pace, no longer bound to the limited options of traditional education but free to discover exciting new subjects and prospects.

Illustration depicting the concept of a blended activity

Studying online also helps students to stand out of the crowd when it comes to university and job applications, by giving them valuable transferable skills such as autonomy, organization, and perseverance.

Perhaps the greatest benefit is our students’ opportunity to connect with the LifePlus global community of learners and teachers, including those at our schools throughout Asia and the Middle East. Where else can you experience and celebrate such diversity as part of your school day?

Illustration depicting the concept of academic excellence

Exploring the online classroom

Mom giving sons snacks
Based on research

Nurturing minds, developing character

Our instructional model is the result of extensive research and testing by groups of educators throughout the world, who set out to create the best learning environments for children of all ages and abilities.

Since 1972, online education has been influenced by Transactional Distance Learning theory. The man behind the theory, Michael G. Moore, suggested that as the distance between a learner and an educator increases, so must structure, learner autonomy and dialogue.

We’ve built on this at the LifePlus Online Academy by creating Transformational Distance Learning. We run a highly consistent structure, we encourage and support learning autonomy, and we promote kind and supportive conversation.

As well as nurturing students’ minds, we develop their character. Authentic learning experiences equip students to contribute to life in both their family and their neighborhood. By connecting families and educators from across the world, we help students to grow in awareness and develop sensitivity to people and cultures around them.

Striking the right balance

Dynamic new teaching, reliable teachers

We teach in easily accessible, instructional phases that engage students with thought-provoking questions, dynamic content that builds on what has gone before, collaborative activities, and creative and critical thinking exercises.

For students who need extra practice, and for those who want to take their learning further, we excite them about their learning and help them achieve ambitious new goals.

Consistency is also important. Find your way around one Online Academy class and you can easily navigate them all. Students sign into our learning platform, Canvas, and see everything they need in one convenient, easy-to-access place. Virtual classrooms, important information from teachers, learning objectives and updated weekly schedules mirroring their to-do lists. It’s all there, whenever they need it.

Our most successful students…

See purpose in themselves and others, find purpose in their learning, and strive after truth. Show humility by knowing they have both more to learn and lots to contribute.

Discern when and how to engage with online courses – which requires checking courses and communication channels daily, asking for help, and making connections between everything they learn.

Exercise compassion to those representing other cultures and are able to see their teachers and peers as people beyond the screen.

Demonstrate curiosity by striving to connect learning with their knowledge, personal goals and passions. They’re always hungry to know more.

Connect with teachers and peers in weekly sessions, over email and through collaborative assignments, like discussions and group projects.

Serve within both the virtual community, and their own personal communities, by putting their learning into practice.

Show courage by being willing to ask for help, exploring new ideas and sharing their perspective and experiences.

Persevere in maintaining strict schedules, checking courses and communication channels daily, staying organized, and seeking help when they are struggling.

A special encounter

We teach you the skills to excel in a fast-changing world. Book a virtual meeting with an Academy teacher and discover new learning opportunities.

Meet a teacher…