About us

We’re a fully accredited, college-preparatory school for K–12 students. We provide transformative, holistic education in an online community.

A warm welcome from our Head of School

Welcome to LifePlus Online Academy!

In this global era of movement through travel and technology, the work of the international classroom at LifePlus Online Academy aims to build the kind of future world we want to live in together. Because school is a place of transformation—and we believe that each student is both in a process and exemplary.

School can be a place for students to develop knowledge and personal skills, applying them in purposeful ways. LifePlus schools recognize this and the importance of cultivating a digital learning mindset to prepare students for the future of work and citizenship. Beyond academics, we focus on how values and character impact all areas of life—as we step into more of who we are to become.

Our framework of nine qualities shows how students learn, love and lead—as they connect with meaningful causes, becoming thoughtful and responsible citizens. Each student develops creativity and leadership skills as they connect learning to their changing life.

I invite you to explore our website. Come see what could be your place with LifePlus Online Academy—and join us.

Dr Erika Carlson
Head of School

Our values

Mom and sons in plant shop
Discerning then acting as one


Conviction is the character trait that gives us purpose and direction. With conviction, we can better navigate uncertainties in life with integrity and authenticity. Our curriculum helps students find their own values and beliefs while learning to understand diverse perspectives. Through dialogue and debate, we encourage critical thinking. In case studies and research, we review ethical dilemmas. By studying historical figures who have acted with conviction, we see how conviction can guide us to impact others for good.

Serve our communities and cultures


Everyone deserves respect; and the more we learn, the better we should be able to honor and care for ourselves and others. We always put our students first, meeting their needs and, in turn, modelling how to serve other people well—whatever our differences. Our courses help students make connections between what they learning and how to meet needs in their local community, whilst collaborative working teaches students how to interact with other people in a healthy way.

Students are ready for another day of learning
Inspiring change to realize greater potential


There’s more to learning than gaining knowledge. Learning stretches who we are, challenges us, and offers us a fuller life. Studying alongside different people from different cultures isn’t always easy, but it’s an essential part of growing both mind and character. Our teachers strike a careful balance between supporting our students and pushing them academically, whilst our school timetable is designed to provide students with regular moments for reflection.

Close up of boy working on panda drawing on wood rounds
Making a positive difference in the lives of others


Learning gives us the knowledge and skills to get out of our comfort zone—and to change our communities for good. Our courses develop leadership qualities in our students through critical and creative thinking, revealing the connection between ‘learning’ and ‘doing’. Regular class and school celebrations honor our students for their achievements and the positive impact they’re having on their classmates, families and communities.

A brief history


Start of something special
Our first international school launched in Tianjin, China in 1986. We grew into a family of six international schools in China, one in the United Arab Emirates, and several bilingual schools.


Online partnerships
We launched online Chinese language and culture classes online in 2019 as part of our commitment to provide greater access to an international-school education across the world. Chinese families working abroad could connect with their language and cultural heritage through online learning.


World shift
In response to the global pandemic, we expanded online offerings to our consortium of schools in China and the United Arab Emirates. Families scattered around the world but remained connected to one another through a shift to online educational services.


Growing impact
A team assembled to develop an accredited online school able to share educational services with more families globally. Today we are delighted to deliver a scalable diploma program while focusing on each student’s individual needs.

Average class size
Student nationalities
Annual events
Subjects offered
Staff nationalities
Illustration depicting the concept of character development

In this section

Two boys working on laptop and tablet at table
For anyone, anywhere

Why learn online?

For centuries, the traditional classroom stayed largely the same. Then the internet changed the world of education. So what are the benefits of online learning?

From the inside out

Our qualities

There’s more to learning than gaining knowledge. To bring transformation from the inside out, we stay true to our values and invite everyone to join in.

World-class people

Our staff

Receive the highest-quality education from world-class teachers using the latest and leading standards, practices and innovations.

Son rollerblading with Dad behind
Students first

Safety + support

We’re proud to be a safe and caring community, providing the support our students need for academic success as well as social and emotional well-being.

Recognized for excellence

Cognia logo

LifePlus Online Academy is accredited by Cognia, the largest education improvement organization in the world—demonstrating our commitment to learners, teachers, leaders and communities.